I am Briana Gardela, a Certified Hypnotherapist and the owner of Tica B Hypnotherapy.

My mission is to provide a safe space for people to achieve personal improvement goals, and live a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.

For as long as I can remember, my passion has been taking care of and encouraging those around me. Growing up in Los Angeles, I was blessed to work and gain business operations experience in the industries of fashion, music, sports, and hospitality. Hospitality was particularly special to me because it’s where I was able to utilize my passion for taking care of others, and I loved it. Yet, perhaps like you, I reached a point where I questioned whether I was living my best life and achieving my full potential.

For everyone, 2020 was a year like no other. I watched friends and family lose their jobs and sense of security as they learned to navigate their dark times while being isolated at home. As I continued to work throughout the pandemic, I began to long for something more. I had become complacent and was merely going through the motions, I knew my spark had gone out. My career was no longer fulfilling, despite working for a family and company I love like my own. Sitting on the sidelines of a worldwide pandemic and seeing people struggle with loneliness, depression, anxiety, fear, and phobias – I wanted to help them all. But with millions of people out of work, felt guilty even considering leaving a job for which I should be grateful to pursue something that I would consider more meaningful. After the loss of a loved one and some self-reflection, I realized there would never be a “right” time to take a giant leap of faith and pursue a career path where I could genuinely help people.

Over the past decade, as a single mom, I have explored a series of experiences for my personal development. However, hypnotherapy offered me the ability to discover (and more importantly access) the powers within my mind. I experienced both spiritual and personal breakthroughs unlike anything else I had tried. From personal improvement goals to deeper issues like self-esteem, hypnotherapy delivered an organic, rapid, yet comfortable path to the life goals and sense of purpose I was seeking.

My curiosity and enthusiasm for this healing modality led to my enrollment in the Hypnosis Motivation Institute’s Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy, where I graduated with honors. I had the privilege of learning so many fascinating and beneficial tools to assist people with empowerment and personal transformation. During my clinical hypnotherapy internship, I had the good fortune of working alongside the Director of the Institute, in addition to Key Senior Staff Instructors.

Integrating the clinical hypnotherapy skills I acquired into my path of prior learning experiences, my private practice, Tica B Hypnotherapy was born.

I have always sought out environments and people that support my aspirations, successes, and personal development- while holding me accountable. For this reason, I strive to provide a company culture that emphasizes inclusivity, where people have a safe space to feel supported, nurtured, and connected to kindness. It is within this space that individuals can begin the work necessary to ultimately reach their highest potential.

My enthusiasm for Hypnotherapy as an organic and effective healing modality makes me confident in my role as a facilitator for positive change. In fact, it is not just what I do, it is the essence of WHO I am.

Contact me if you would like a complimentary phone consultation to ask questions and explore further the potential of our partnership in success.